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webdee-seoservice.com 339/753 M. 12 Pattaya 20150 Thailand Tel. 0846363279 info@webdee-seoservice.com

From corporate email to invoicing

Our services cover all your business needs
Basic Services: Website, e-commerce, invoicing, inventory, corporate email. And this is just a small start.

All web services
The Recent Past: From checking the bank to booking a flight.
Today: From talking to apps to getting accounting automatically done!

Web Services

Basic Services

We offer a comprehensive range of basic services to meet your business needs:

  • Website Development: Professional and responsive websites tailored to your brand.
  • E-commerce Solutions: Robust online stores to help you sell your products efficiently.
  • Invoicing Systems: Streamlined invoicing solutions for quick and easy billing.
  • Inventory Management: Efficient inventory systems to keep track of your stock.
  • Corporate Email: Secure and reliable email services for your business communication.

Indeed, the internet and the web encompass more than just websites. It's an all-encompassing tool: from e-commerce to invoicing, keeping stock, preparing orders, and communicating with customers and staff. And this is just a small part of all web services available.

To cut a long story short, by way of example and without any limitation, here is a list of the most common web services that can be combined with your website:

Now, even a small e-commerce can keep inventory, update the stock, advise you on what and when to order, create invoices, and follow payments. An app can let you automatically and constantly keep in touch with your customers. People can even talk with apps. While not all businesses need an app, it underscores the vastness of what is related to the web and the internet.

Start with the basics: a website. The name is very clear: web site. It is a site. Your site in the world. Yes, social networks are important. Some businesses can survive and flourish using only social networks (and also boom and disappear in matters of months), but a website is a real site. For some, a website is better than a presence in Google Maps.

After the site, there is the email. Your email. The email accounts related to your staff. The staff comes and goes but the email stays. Many companies make a huge mistake: using personal email accounts (e.g., paul@yourcompany.com) or let staff create dedicated Gmail accounts (e.g., yourcompany-sales@gmail.com). Besides Gmail working perfectly, the company will have no control if the staff leaves. The email will follow them if they are not polite enough to do a diligent handover.
Yes, you can use Gmail for Work, also called G Suite or Google Workspace, but using it for your business can be difficult (and expensive) to set up correctly and keep running smoothly. There are free solutions as well, but they are buried in the tsunami of offers available in any web search. So you do need some advice.

Even about the presence in Google Maps. Many people ask to get their marker on the maps. It is easy and it is a necessity. People start a search asking Google where to find a place and if you are not there…

Anyway, from the corporate email that uses a company domain to Google Maps that connects users to your website, the website is still your landmark, and not only for the internet.

Explanations of the web services available

What is Google Maps? What is Google My Business?

Google My Business logoGoogle Maps is the road maps service of Google. Google My Business is your business in Google Maps. When somebody browses the maps in Google, many businesses and places of interest will appear and more will pop up while zooming on a specific section of the map.

Some people search directly in Google Maps instead of Google, and on the move or while driving, voice search is often used in Google Maps.

The first step to gain a valid presence in Google Maps is to create your listing in Google My Business (for a guide, just google “how to create a Google My Business listing”). Update it with posts and pictures, special promotions, link it to your website, even link it with an automatic booking appointment system if you want. Then wait for reviews, reply to the reviews, post new messages, and so on.

Even if you don’t want to use it as a marketing tool, having a presence in Google Maps is a must. People will ask to share your location on Google Maps to use the navigator to reach you.

Gmail account

Gmail logoA Gmail account (or a valid alternative email system like Yandex.com, Zoho.com, Proton.me, and many more) is the heart of communication for a person, business, or corporation. It is the email service, and it is free.

You can link it to your domain for free, but you cannot create a hierarchy of users with different permissions with the free version. It also connects you to your Android or part of your iPhone.

File Sharing Google Drive & Sync

Google backup & sync logoActually, now Google Drive is renamed Google Backup & Sync or Drive File Stream for the business version available with G Suite. Don't worry, everybody still calls it Google Drive, and Google also refers to it as Google Drive. It is one of the most important services (also in this case, people can rely on an alternative like Yandex Disk) and one of the most wrongly ignored web services by many companies and people.

It creates an online (on the cloud, as it is fashionable to say nowadays) backup and synchronization of all your files. All your files = your life! So your files will be in a safe place anytime.

Many companies do not use synchronization policies. Maybe because it sounds strange, maybe because it is a little too complicated at the beginning.
How many times is a file you sent to a customer not the most recent version? How many times can nobody find the latest version or the most updated price and terms of service contract? And when a computer dies, how many times is all its content sadly gone?
Regarding file sharing, how many times have you needed to send a large file and had problems doing it with email? Or you want to co-work with somebody far away and don’t know how to do it?

Synchronization and backup are among the least requested services but are some of the most important. People ask more about videos for Facebook instead of backup and sync.

Email System and email setup

Sometimes you need to have email accounts with your domain, for example: info@yourdomain.com. Sometimes there are limits in file upload, attachment storage, and the properties of the webmail client available.
Or there are some limitations in pop/smtp/imap. We can set up email accounts from various providers after consulting with you about your exact needs.

An email system refers to a group of email accounts that share one or more domains (usually the company domains) where a “boss” can remove a user or combine more than one person on the same email, have control, and limit some operations. A multilevel email system. Manage all the in/out flows of email of a company without worrying about the possibility that once a human resource leaves, all the communication history, contacts, and customers that usually connect with that given email will be lost.

Even in a very small company, a good (and simple) email system is important. And again, it often does not get the necessary consideration.

Consult with us: info@webdee-seoservice.com

Email form and re-captcha

Google captchaReceiving emails directly from a website is very helpful. If you are expecting a certain volume of incoming emails, it would be wise to organize them by topic, origin, and area. All this can be done with email forms from the website. From booking to purchase, everything goes through an email form. On the other side, when receiving the email, the system should be organized with filters to route the email to the correct recipient. Additionally, a special online recipient should be available to be consulted directly on the server, bypassing all email accounts, to ensure that email messages have not gone missing.

But often, you will also receive tons of spam. Using the correct captcha filter can help. Correct means not too difficult: while dealing with unwanted emails can be tedious, it is part of the job. Transferring this burden to your customers with an extremely difficult and time-consuming CAPTCHA can irritate them. Making it seem like you want them to do your work can be off-putting.

Facebook Shop

Facebook shopA Facebook Shop is a real e-commerce cart with products and prices accessible directly from Facebook.

There are different kinds of Facebook Shops:
  • A simple presentation of the products, where the customer must contact the Facebook user or the company to close a deal.
  • Some products with prices that, once clicked, will link to the cart of an existing external e-commerce website.
  • A complete real e-commerce cart with products and prices where the purchase is possible without leaving the Facebook app or website.
Once upon a time, it was far easier to open up a Facebook Shop. Now there are only paid extensions or plugins that allow certain e-commerce platforms to connect to Facebook to create a real Facebook Shop. Alternatively, there may be a minimum amount of “friends” and other requirements. But it is still possible and cheap to create a real Facebook Shop.

You can also have the Instagram Shop to sell directly on Instagram.

Invoicing system

An online invoicing system allows you to create and manage real invoices, directly connected with your bookkeeping system, anytime and anywhere.

Depending on your company size, bookkeeping law requirements, and specific needs, this system can range from simple to quite complex.

An invoicing system can be readily available on the market. It may come with a fee, such as FlowAccount, or be completely free like WaveApps, or even open source like Simple Invoices, which can be tailored to your needs. These are just examples of what you can find on the web.

PayPal account

PayPal logoA PayPal account is still the easiest web service for a small or large business to start accepting online payments. While there are many alternatives, PayPal remains the most common. It is relatively expensive to use, with fees over 4%, but it is free to set up, and many e-commerce and other systems are already “PayPal enabled,” making it an easy option. It is also well-known worldwide and can be used with virtually any currency.

We can set up this web service for you, along with all the others, if you need it.

Credit/debit card payment gateway

The option to accept credit/debit cards online without using a local bank POS or PayPal or Stripe is available through many systems. Depending on the location of your business, you can opt for one system or another. In Asia, it is quite common to use Omise (previously Paysbuy) or 2C2P. For worldwide options, it is also common to use 2Checkout.

Bitcoin Payment

Bitcoin payment gateway

Receiving payments with bitcoin is not so complicated if we set it up for you. While it is not a widely used payment method, it looks cool and trendy to accept bitcoin payments on a website (note: this is not allowed in Thailand).

eBay Account

eBay logo An eBay account can open your products to a completely new market. It is easy to set up but requires daily attention. Many people wrongly think they will get money while sleeping with eBay. You can have some satisfaction but you have to put effort into it.

Lazada Account

Lazada logo If you are in Thailand, this kind of web presence can boost your sales. Opening and activating a Lazada account is not that easy. You have to follow many regulations, take a small online course, and pass an exam to prove you understand all the rules. Commitment to timely delivery, proper labeling, and packaging is essential. Delays or misunderstandings can lead to economic sanctions. Lazada is for professional sellers and established businesses. eBay is more suited for occasional or relaxed business activities.

Online Debit Card Assistance

Sometimes you need to get your debit card authorized for online shopping or linked to an online payment gateway or other web service that requires payment. It seems easy, but some can get lost in the menus, submenus, procedures, or online call centers. We offer assistance for this service.

Registration of Brand and Logo

If you have a new brand and a nice new logo, you can register it (Intellectual Property) in Thailand, but you may not know how to do it. Without a trademark, someone could use your domain name with a different TLD. For example, if your domain is websitebangkok.co.th, someone could open websitebangkok.com legally. Let us trademark your brand to protect your image, name, and logo.

SEO/Google Search Console

We discuss SEO (Search Engine Optimization) extensively on our website, starting from the home page and more ideas in SEO page.

All our websites are SEO friendly
Many people like to follow up on their own to get acquainted with the Google world. We can correctly set up the Search Console account, including all your versions (http, https, www, and non-www) or other domain names using DNS verification. This will allow you to daily check your SEO status.

Google AdSense Approval

Google AdSense logo Monetizing a website that receives many visits is a good way to expand your income base. We can create and get your AdSense account approved so you can monetize visits with the most famous blog advertising system. Approval is not always guaranteed, so we will provide a free examination of your blog/website before issuing a quotation.

Short Video Presentation

Amazing short video presentations can be created with many online services like biteable.com or canva.com, among others.

These presentations use templates instead of originally filmed spots. They are very useful for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) or when the budget for a video is very limited. We use pictures and sentences mixed with video elements, like this one:

Google AdWords now Google Ads

Pay per click advertising allows you to appear on the first page of Google results for specific keywords. You will pay a fee (to Google AdWords) for each click you receive.
The fee depends on many factors. An approximate cost could be 20 THB per click, but we need to know the keywords to establish a more realistic cost.
You can set daily/monthly budgets, choose the geographic area for your ads, and set other preferences like user age, languages, and interests.

Web Design Pricing

To cut a long story short:

Websites & Webdesign

We also develop reliable websites for you:

  • Simple Home Page: A single-page "A4" on the web, FREE if you buy hosting from us. You also need a domain, not necessarily from us.
  • Business Website Presentation: 6 pages, starting from 6,000 THB
  • E-commerce Website: With cart and unlimited products, starting from 11,000 THB
We can also develop your website from a theme (e.g., from ThemeForest - theme price not included -) or transform your own design into a suitable HTML/CSS layout (ask for a quotation).

Content Creation: 1,000 THB per "A4" page.

WordPress Development

If you need a custom WordPress website, our development services start from 30,000 THB. WordPress has evolved significantly since its launch in 2003 and is now a complex platform that requires a professional web designer to create a high-quality, functional product.


  1. What is Google My Business?
    Google My Business is a tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence on Google Maps and Search.
  2. How can I set up a Gmail account for my business?
    You can create a Gmail account through the Google website and link it to your domain for business use.
  3. What is Google Drive and how can it benefit my business?
    Google Drive, now known as Google Backup & Sync, provides cloud storage and synchronization for your files, ensuring they are safely backed up and accessible anywhere.
  4. Why should I use an email form with reCAPTCHA on my website?
    Email forms with reCAPTCHA help organize incoming emails and filter out spam, ensuring that legitimate queries reach the right recipient.
  5. How do I set up a Facebook Shop?
    A Facebook Shop allows you to showcase and sell products directly on Facebook, either linking to an external e-commerce site or completing transactions within Facebook.
  6. What are the benefits of an invoicing system?
    An online invoicing system simplifies the creation and management of invoices, integrating with your bookkeeping system for efficient financial tracking.
  7. Is PayPal a good option for accepting online payments?
    PayPal is a widely recognized and easy-to-use payment gateway, though it comes with transaction fees. It is suitable for both small and large businesses.
  8. What alternatives are there to PayPal for online payments?
    Alternatives include Stripe, Omise, 2C2P, and 2Checkout, each offering different features and benefits depending on your business location and needs.
  9. Can I accept Bitcoin payments on my website?
    Yes, you can accept Bitcoin payments, though it is important to note that this is not allowed in some countries, like Thailand.
  10. How do I register my brand and logo in Thailand?
    Registering your brand and logo protects your intellectual property. This can be done through the appropriate legal channels to ensure exclusive rights.
  11. What is SEO and why is it important?
    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) improves your website's visibility on search engines, driving more organic traffic to your site.
  12. How can I monetize my website with Google AdSense?
    By creating a Google AdSense account, you can display ads on your website and earn revenue based on user interactions with the ads.


All company names and logos on this webpage/website are trademarks of their respective owners. We are not affiliated with them nor do we work for them (unless specified).

Pricing of Web Services

For information about the prices of websites, SEO, e-commerce, and other web services, you can consult with us anytime. Visit our contact page

Or you can directly visit the pricing page where you will find a complete list of services with related costs.


The companies mentioned in this article are based on our personal experience and editorial judgment, not on objective tests. Non-mentioned companies should not be considered inferior; there are many other reliable providers that may also meet your needs.