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Small e-commerce

A nice small shop online. Small ecommerce web design for website owners that want to sell something in an easy way without tons of complicated features.

Small e-commerce
A small store online to finally sell your products
Easy, fast, simple: small e-commerce web design

What do we mean by easy e-commerce?

What is an extremely easy e-commerce for webdee-seoservice.com? For a small e-commerce platform, we mean an extremely minimalist system where some products are shown with prices. If clicked, a product will be added to the cart system. The cart system will provide the customer with the checkout process using a PayPal payment gateway or a “wait for payment in bank” option.

The customer can log in to the system after filling out a super easy form: First Name, Last Name, Username, Password, and Email only.

They can check their orders. Additionally, the admin of the system (you) can check the orders.

The admin can also add/remove products with one small picture, a short description, price, and quantity for a basic inventory system.
If an order is submitted, the admin will receive an email.
Nothing else!

Click to open a pop-up and see our

Consider some additional elements that will be added:
Your logo, main image, some text, privacy page, company presentation, contact details, and form.
Then some adjustments will also be made to meet your requirements depending on the product type and to guarantee full responsiveness.

This website equipped with this super easy e-commerce platform costs 2,500 THB every 4 months. Even if the number of items you can sell (products) is virtually unlimited, we suggest using this system for 20-30 products.

The price includes:

  • Domain.com or equivalent
  • SSL certificate included
  • Business Class Database
  • Personalized details
  • Fast hosting
Renewal price is 2,500 THB every 4 months.

This easy e-commerce is even smart TV friendly!

What do we mean by small e-commerce?

Small or simple? Small in size? Small in the number of articles for sale?

First of all, not only small for small businesses or individuals. Some solutions will be applicable also to medium enterprises that want to try e-commerce. Note that in all solutions, the insertion of the first 10 articles and other operations will be managed by us. Not the order and payment, of course. You can still add articles and prices by yourself.

We know there are a lot of details that go into setting up an online store. We can simplify your life by taking the burden of the technical and boring stuff, having a good team of experts who want to help you sell online.

If you are looking for a more complete but still simple e-commerce platform where you can do everything by yourself, visit the fast e-commerce solution page.

Types of small e-commerce:

  1. Small but fully featured e-commerce: You can add the pictures and prices of any items and manage other features. The initial insertion on the website needs to be done by us at least the first time.
  2. Facebook/Instagram shop e-commerce: Create your professional shop on Facebook and/or Instagram.
  3. Simple e-commerce: Still has features but fewer than the e-commerce above (Number 1). It requires a little more work as it does not have its own articles database. The insertion in the website needs to be done by us for each article every time.
  4. Super easy e-commerce: Few essential features. Extremely fast and easy to use. We will set up all the articles; you just follow the orders. It is extremely fast and even really Smart-TV friendly!
    It is the first offer described at the top of this webpage.

We are always open to discussing case by case. Here are the details of all the 4 e-commerce platforms mentioned above:

1) Small but fully featured e-commerce

We will insert your first 10 products and set up the e-commerce.

2) Facebook/Instagram shop

To have a real e-commerce cart on your Facebook account, you need to create a Facebook page. After that, you need the offer number 1 to combine with this one. The price of a Facebook and/or Instagram shop is included in this offer number 2.
These e-commerce platforms (offer number 1 and 2) can be linked to your website or can be a website itself. After our setup, you can, besides seeing the orders:
  • Set up discount codes
  • Check customers that signed up
  • Change the prices and images of the articles
  • See reports and statistics
  • Open your Facebook/Instagram shop
  • Control stock and inventory
  • Customize look and feel
  • Available in multiple languages, including Thai
  • Manage orders via an app
  • Allow customers to pay via bank
  • Use PayPal and other payment gateways (setup of PayPal or other gateways not included)
  • And more
This offer is basically a setup. We will set up your e-commerce website and pay the relative fees from an outsourced system. It will be a real functioning e-commerce for up to 100 articles for 2,400 THB each month (if you don't need the Facebook/Instagram shop).
You can modify the products and prices, of course. We will only set up 10 products; the rest you will set up by yourself.
If you need to upgrade from one plan to another, you can ask for assistance. For more details about the outsourced e-commerce provider, visit ecwid.com. Please check if it satisfies you.
This system is NOT as fast compared to the easy e-commerce offer described above.

What is included in 2,400 THB each month?
  • Domain.com or equivalent
  • SSL everywhere
  • Business Class Database
  • Landing Page
  • Extra page
  • Real Facebook/Instagram shop for an extra: 2,400 THB the first month (total 4,400 THB the first month) then 3,000 THB each month

  • Relatively easy to use once set up
  • Almost fully featured e-commerce
  • Can be paid month by month
  • Can be integrated into an existing website
  • Maximum 100 articles
  • Backend slow
  • Slow in loading products
  • Not cheap
3) Simple e-commerce

This e-commerce is much simpler than the one above. Definitely easy to use for newbies to e-commerce. We will do much of the work. This e-commerce can be integrated into an existing website, or we can create a homepage + products page. After our setup, you can, besides seeing the orders:
  • Transaction area in SSL
  • Business Class Database
  • Products Page
  • All mobile friendly
  • Set up discount codes
  • Customize look and feel
  • Cart available in multiple languages but not Thai
  • Allow customers to pay via bank
  • Use PayPal and other payment gateways (setup of PayPal or other gateways not included)
  • And more
Price: 9,900 THB. Renewal price: 5,400 THB/year, including the insertion of 10 articles. 100 THB per article (one language) after the 10th. It also includes:
  • Fast Hosting
  • Domain name .com
  • SSL certificate
  • Landing page
Perfect solution if you are looking for something really easy and not expensive. We set up and follow up on integration. This e-commerce system is freely provided by mals-e.com.

  • Very easy to use once set up
  • Can be integrated into an existing website
  • Inexpensive
  • Very fast system
  • Unlimited articles
  • Cheap price
  • Cannot directly manage products (needs HTML knowledge)
  • Customers cannot sign in; after order, they receive a customized email only
  • Cannot manage stock
  • Limited to 30 daily transactions. It can be upgraded to 150 with 3,000 THB/year extra. If you already forecast more but still want to stay cheap, you can use a sponsored version (a little logo with link)
This very simple e-commerce targets small activities. If you need more volume and you DO NOT want to depend on outsourced companies, we have other convenient offers on the e-commerce page.

4) Super easy e-commerce

All the features are reduced to a minimum: order, payment, and checking customers. It is extremely fast and even really Smart-TV friendly! It is the first offer on this page described above here.

Slow e-commerce

The term slow e-commerce in this article refers not to the speed of an e-commerce website but to a philosophy of developing a marketing strategy— a slow strategy, similar to the slow food movement in marketing.

Some shops and artisans don’t really need a website, and this can also apply to some restaurants or bars. However, even for the smallest “one-person micro venture” in a trading business, a website is a must.

In recent months, we have seen an increase in online sales across various fields. I even started ordering frozen portioned salmon servings online, ready to be cooked. I didn’t even know there were websites that only sold one item, in this case, salmon. Yes, they offer it in many forms: frozen portioned, frozen whole fish, fresh ready to eat, salmon cream, and so on. As they only deal with one product, they offer very competitive prices, even more competitive than big wholesale stores.

I then started to look for dried figs and dates and found specialized websites focusing solely on these products, with amazing prices. However, not all of them have an e-commerce platform. You have to call, wait for them to call back, or send an email. You discuss the address, talk about the price, provide a phone number, and try to understand the pictures on the website or Facebook to identify which products and prices they relate to. It’s a bit time-consuming, but I managed to get my inexpensive products. If I were to suggest it to a friend, I fear they might lose patience and not be happy with my recommendation.

Why don’t they have an e-commerce platform? Because they believe people only buy on Amazon, Lazada, or other well-known e-commerce websites. And this is partially true. But SLOWLY, in the near future, people will learn to buy products from specific websites. It’s not like shopping at many places: you don’t have to drive across the city, park the car, find the address, or wrestle with the navigator. You just copy and paste the URL of the e-commerce site you want to use (and then bookmark it), order, and wait for the delivery to your door.

So, any business in the trading or production field MUST have an e-commerce platform. This behavior (buying from different websites) will become very common in the long term, so it is a SLOW process. Your website (e-commerce) may not show up at the top of Google search results (unless you use Google Ads); it will work more through word of mouth, but it will build a solid future. Once people know you, they will return to your website for that particular product. This is what I call “slow e-commerce.”

For this kind of website, I suggest using original images instead of images from online photo stocks or common images. Search engines can now recognize if an image is present in various places on the web or if it is only on your website. They can also determine if your website was the first to post that image, which may have then been "copied and pasted" several times.
Do you want to know more about the importance of images? Just read this marketing strategy.

It is common for business owners to think that an e-commerce platform is expensive and difficult to manage. This is also partially true. But there are solutions that are very easy to manage and inexpensive. Just contact us.

All these ecommerce systems can be use to add a cart to your website (your already existing website).

More marketing ideas for small business.

Important Notice:

Please be aware that our service to integrate payment gateways, such as PayPal, into your website does not include the creation of PayPal or any other payment processor accounts. You will need to have or create your own PayPal account (or the relevant payment processor account) independently. If you also need assistance creating your own PayPal or similar account, please ask for a quote.

Thank you for your understanding.