An article about SEO
Which color will be…?
If you are looking for a website you maybe want to understand more about being online on the internet besides the colors of the web design...
One of the most discussed topics is SEO or Search Engine Optimization or rather a way to be found on Google and other search engines. When you have a website and nobody visits it, it can be sad. But the internet reality is not just to have a website and so sell more, it is a different way to do business and offer services. The following article tries to explain it.
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This is the worst approach to real SEO and internet: looking for shortcuts!
You cannot ask a SEO or webmaster, web designer or website developer to get you on top of Google with no effort and a small fee. You better move to a paid advertising system: Adwords (pay per click campaigns). But that system is expensive and as soon as you stop pouring money in it also the effect will vanish. A good website is like an infrastructure.
Get a functional website. A professional website with a web design created to climb search engines with quality SEO. Voices heard around say that SEO is going to die as the first rule of SEO is actually build websites for people, not for search engines. Yes this is the very first rule. And for this and more reasons, it is far most important than ever a good SEO: a slow (but good website “for people”) or a website that crashes your tab or simply does not work well, it does not please people that use it! So it is not built for people! Neither for search engines. The death of “SEO” refers to the SEO tricks or shortcuts that can give you amazing results… for a few days and then get your website banned. Another extinct SEO is the one promising results without content based on strange exchange links schemes and incomprehensible small websites with modified IP.
If you could choose between paid advertising and free top result in Google of course you will choose the free result on Google. The free results in Google are called organic results. Why organic is better? Besides it is free compared to paid ads, some people don’t want to click on ads anymore. And to be easily found on Google will give customers more trust in you.
Get on the first, second page of Google search results page by specific keywords. How to do it? It is difficult. For some keywords easy. For some other keywords the website design and preparation are very hard. Sometimes almost impossible. It is necessary to evaluate the keywords chosen for your website. After that need to create a full and rich in contents website that matches the requested keywords and that match all the search engine suggestions and directives like Google, Bing, Yahoo and so on. If you look to the SEO good practices of Google in how to build a website “for search engine” you will actually end up building a website for people!
About us: we are a deeply specialized webmaster team that works in a network to reach the target requested by the customer. The target is to get high in Google search results by given keywords, when possible. Or other targets requested by the client. This is what we do: design your website to get it in high positions. No magician. No false promise. Only 15 years of experience bucket together trough the easy internet communication network that gives us the ability to connect members of our team across continents. Share previous experiences and refine techniques to achieve results. Again, a web site should be designed for users, not for search engines, so following this and more rules of the search engines, your website will be built for people, as they suggest.
but to get valid free result in Google, can’t be without cost. It has a price. Some companies want a SEO strategy, but they don’t want to make the investments and especially they don’t want to make the changes that are needed to succeed. Are you in this group?
A SEO plan is not only 15,000 baht extra to a SEO company. By the way, in building a real SEO strategy the most of your expenses will NOT go to the SEO/website developer/agency bills! These are only a part. The rest you will spend in your own organization. Anyway the biggest and tiring effort will not even be financial, will be in update company habits: a cultural effort. This effort points to believe in the internet way to promote your services and goods. Must invest in it time and resources. And usually 2 new figures will emerge: content creator and online help desk operator. A website creation plan does not relate only to a small section of a company, it embraces, more or less, the whole company. If your company or activity is a small business don’t worry, you don’t need 2 more staff, but you do need to focus on the internet and not consider it as a side tool to use once in a while. It will be your first thought. And your first duty, for small or medium enterprises, will be learning and listen to your webmaster. Forget “I want this” or “I want it now”. These sentences you can use with a graphic designer, not with a SEO as website creation and optimization have rules to follow.
And one of the most important rules is that YOU (the owner or you the company) must find the time for your SEO. This is a must, it is also stated in many Google suggestions, check, for example, this video at the eleventh minute: the importance of the owners (The Youtube video will open at the right time).
Usually when a company approaches internet they [the companies] would like, or they wrongly think, that with few bucks and two meetings with the webmaster the web design is done. Then the website will be revised later in a few years. This is absolutely wrong. It will not work. First most of the meetings you have to have within your company, not with the webmaster. You have to allocate time and internal resources as you do for an exhibition. The total expenditure will be much lower than participating in a fair and the result much better and stable in time. Check this list:
- No booth cost
- No logistic cost (trucks to delivery, airplane tickets for staff)
- No hiring team for assembly the booth
- No brochures, sign and samples to give away
- No accommodation and overpriced food
- No extra (and useless) temporary new staff for the exhibition that doesn’t know anything about your products and services
- And so on …If you ever have done an exhibition you will definitely know that “and so on” is very costly
- Yes webmaster, web design and seo bills (☺)
- Yes your staff dedicate time to create contents
- Yes you (the boss or the person in charge) to supervise your staff in this matter
- No soundtrack is better than a wrong soundtrack choice
- Apply voice when editing the video instead of recording live so there will be not dog barking in the back or too many mistakes
- Avoid opening theme as if you are not a professional in jingles and presentations, it will look terrible
- Avoid “today we will talk about…” never heard this in a Steven Spielberg movie
- Go straight to the point, no special effects, explain easily your services or products. It is not a soap opera, is a picture that is not still
- Plenty of subtitles is useful
- Insert a link to your website in the video and in the description
- Or ask a professional video maker to do it
- Try the market promotion: one campaign with one ad 1,500THB + 10% of Google Adwords bill. You can decide a daily/monthly budget for maximum Adwords bill to avoid surprises.
- A la carte promotion: 2,700 THB each ad + 0% of Google Adwords bill. You can decide a daily/monthly budget for maximum Adwords bill to avoid surprises..
If you will see some examples that you like, check if they have titles. Titles are one of the most important details of search engine optimization:

Try a few of the so-called mobile-friendly versions that will be proposed to you on a mobile with a SIM connection. You will see that most of the try will result in long waiting time before something will appear on the screen and once it appears there will be the impossibility of scrolling the page, drastically reduced (hidden) content compare to the desktop version, no menu’ or menu' difficult to locate and that don’t appear after a tap and also crash of the tab and stock the smartphone for a while.
In few words a really mobile unfriendly result on common devices, with some beautiful results in very expensive smartphones on fiber originated WiFi. And out there millions of low cost smartphone on unstable connections are used daily for searches.
On the contrary there are plenty of websites that YES need and MUST have an optimization for mobile devices as actually you have to zoom to read it, but don’t create any of the above problems to the user resulting more mobile friendly than the just proclaimed mobile friendly one! Try to check any website (copy the URL and then paste it) in this tool: mobile friendly testOr also check the speed directly in Google (copy the URL and then paste it): Google speed test. Good Web development is not only choosing nice fonts, colors, 5 dollars images from online stocks and a plugin that says: "Insert keywords Here"... Here some valuable advice to develop a new website.
The companies mentioned in this article are based on our personal experience and editorial judgment, not on objective tests. Non-mentioned companies should not be considered inferior; there are many other reliable providers that may also meet your needs.